Website Development

I take on occasional website development projects.

I developed the overarching website for Datamine’s Product Documentation. The homepage and product landing pages of this website are built with HTML, CCS and JavaScript. Content for product documentation is created in HTML or PDF by our technical writers using MadCap Flare.

For this achievement, I was nominated in 2023 for a Women in Digital Australian UX Leader of the Year award.

I designed and maintain the website for St Andrew’s Anglican Church at Indooroopilly. This website is built with WordPress, and includes an event calendar that is pivotal to the success of the Thread Together Queensland charity.

For this charitable contribution, I was nominated in 2023 for the Women in Technology: Building Communities award.

I developed the website for the Australian Research Theology Foundation Inc. This responsive website is built with pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

When I was teaching full time, I used to be internationally known for I started that website in 1994 with raw HTML written in Notepad. Later I used Dreamweaver and then Joomla. I decommissioned the website in 2014, but for a trip down memory lane, have a look at the archive on Wayback Machine.